Socio-Cultural Guidelines for Intramurals 2012
Pageant Night
Mr. and Ms. Intramurals 2012 * Each division must only have 1 pair for entry, male and female. * Candidates should be at least 16-25 years old. * Candidates must be at least 5’3 inches for female and 5’5 for male. * Must not have any reigning local (city, municipal), national, international and institutional titles. * The candidates must participate in the talent portion, with a minimum of 3 minutes and a maximum of 4 minutes. * Must contend in the following competitions and must abide to the rules set by the Socio Cultural Committee.
Competitions: * Casual Wear * Sports Wear * Cor Jesu College Uniform * Professional Attire * Terno at Barong tagalong
Criteria for Mr. and Ms. Intramurals 2012 For minor category Poise and projection 35% Beauty 35% Appropriateness of the attire 20% Stage presence 10%
Total 100%
For Major
Beauty (Poise and Projection) 40%
Eloquence (Articulacy of the Answer) 60%
Total 100%
* Each division must only have 1 entry. * Vehicles used must be in 4 wheels (pick-ups, multi-cab and the like) up to 10 wheeled vehicle. * Float design must derive for this year Intramural theme, and it must also be inspired by the animal that represents the division. * The used of indigenous and recycled materials are highly encouraged. * The used of hazardous props is highly discouraged.
Criteria for the Division Float Parade
Exceptionality 50% (Uniqueness of the design, materials use, and color rhythm)
Relevance 50% (Theme and Divisions’ trademark)
Total 100%
* Division must only have 1 entry. * Participants must be at least 35 to 50 members. * Presentation shall be at least 8 to 10 minutes, including entrance and exit. * Concepts must include the animal that represents the division.