CSMR-OCS/WOCS 8 November 2012
SUBJECT: Use, display, and care of the OCS/WOC Guidon.
1. Problem.
It is the OCS Commandant’s intent that the Officer Candidate Guide be studied and analyzed in order to modify existing section(s) and/or incorporate new sections into the Candidate Guide for the use, display, and care of the OCS/WOC Guidon. All recommendations are to conform to existing Army Regulations (AR’s), Field Manuals (FM’s), and all other pertinent Army publications.
2. Recommendation.
OCS/WOC Guidon shall not be presented until training has been presented in proper employment of the Guidon. The information below will prepare the OCS/WOC class to earn the right to carry the guidon. OCS Commandant is to determine when the OCS Guidon is to be presented.
Basic guidon positions
This paragraph describes basic guidon positions and how to assume them. a. When the unit is formed, the guidon bearer is one step in front of and two 15-inch left steps to the right of and facing the person forming the unit (the person forming the unit is facing the unit.) If the platoon sergeant forms the unit, the guidon bearer steps forward three steps on the command POST. b. To face with the guidon, raise the ferrule 1 inch off the marching surface by bending the right elbow slightly. After executing the movement, automatically lower the ferrule to the Order position. Keep the staff vertical throughout the movement. c. Execute facing movements, marching movements, Present Arms (Present Guidon), and Rest movements with the unit. During manual of arms movements, remain at Order Guidon except for Present Arms. d. When in a line formation and the company is faced to the right for a marching movement, face to the right in marching, assume the Double-Time position and double-time from that position to a position five steps forward of and centered on the squad leaders of
References: |ATTP 5-0.1, Commander and Staff Officer Guide, Chapter 11, 2011. | |CSMR Officer Candidate Guide, CSMR Pamphlet 25-10, Version 1.1, dated 1 January 2011