Title: Military Marching 1. Introduction A. Attention Getter (Story): Military marching was originally used in the 18th century when they would line up on the battlefield, and blast each other at close range. It kept everyone in order so units could be maneuvered around the battlefield and could provide an orderly volley of fire. B. Link/Thesis: I will explain the proper way to march if in any branch of the military. C. Preview: Nowadays it's used for ceremony, "discipline", and "camaraderie" or to orderly take a large group of people from one point to another. 2. Body A. Materials Needed: 1. Yourself 2. A Unit 3. Commanding Officer 4. Uniform B. Steps in the process: 1. Heels together and toes apart. Hands in a fist. 2. Wait for the preparatory and executory commands from your commanding officer, if you have one. Usually, “Forward! March!”. 3. Start marching with your left foot. This way everyone should "stay in step". If your feet are properly attired, you should be able to hear the heel beat of everyone marching, which will help you to maintain the cadence. 4. Keep your fingers curled into your palm, but allow your arms to naturally swing back and forth. Do not keep them glued to your sides, or forcibly swing them back and forth. 5. Maintain military bearing, posture, and professionalism. Your movement should have snap and precision. Keep your eyes gazed forward, do not look to the left or right. 6. Use your peripheral vision to stay aligned with the people to your front and right. You want to maintain approximately the same distance (normally arm's length) throughout the march. 7. Halt when ordered by taking one more step with the left foot after the executory command is called and then bringing the right foot back to form at the position of attention. 3. Conclusion: A. Summary: Military marching of foot formations into a battle was a common practice in