By the way, Melody was a girl. When I first saw Melody, she looked like a hamster. I am sorry to say this, but I was confused whether Melody was a hamster or a guinea pig. At first, I was not fond of Melody, but out of nowhere, I started to love her like she was my child. I know, it is dramatic to say coming from a ten years old kid. But I did. I hated everything about Melody, yet loved her. It was like a hate - love relationship.
Scientists says that animals have their own personalities, and I agree. Melody was like an old lady, bitter about life. But not really. Melody liked being alone in a corner. In the corner, she would eat bell peppers. Melody loved bell peppers. It was annoying that everyday I would cut bell pepper just for her, yet it was comforting seeing her eat. It was comforting to see her alive and well. It is like seeing your own child eating. Annoyed that you have to cook everyday, yet being comforted seeing your child