Mr. Riggle
Writer's Work shop Qtr 3
5 March 2013 Gun violence is a serious issue in the United States, it is rated to be the highest form of crime. Vermont and New Hampshire are recorded to be the safest places to be. As for California would have to be the worst place to be around. This state has an annual of 1,257 deaths per year. (aggregated- pulling from one resource and another and making it my own) Over the years, President Obama has been impacted by several tragedies that have occurred. He's been making proposals since the day he got elected in 2008. Although, people have been debating whether his proposals have or will been effective. One of President Obama's proposals would be to limit gun sales, but people argue that limiting guns wont be as effective and that criminals will always find a way to be armed. It is claimed that there is approximately 31,000 deaths per year in the U.S. according to: The second amendement states that you have the right to bear arms. There has been some debating on how people SHOULD have the right to have a gun near them incase of an attack. Most people look of it on a positive way by stating that they need one to protect their family. Others may misuse the weapon. This is the main issue; figuring out what’s best for our nation. Protecting our family or loosing some. After the big tragedy in Sandy Hook, Obama took an extra step and asked if schools need more protection. A man killed 20 children and 6 faculty memebers. This tragedy renewed a debate over gun violence and gun control.