MAT 0104-INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA Fall 2014 MAT-0104-LD06 (81676) Marlboro Hall, Room 3126 MAT-0104-LD14 (81684) Marlboro Hall, Room 3126 MAT-0104-LD15 (81685) Marlboro Hall, Room 3124
Location/Days and Time:
LD06 - Monday, Wednesday 12:00PM - 01:50PM, Marlboro Hall, Room 3126
LD14 - Tuesday, Thursday 04:00PM - 05:50PM, Marlboro Hall, Room 3126
LD15 - Monday, Wednesday 02:00PM - 04:15PM, Marlboro Hall, Room 3124
Instructors: Julia Habash
Telephone: 301-297-5919 (Leave a clear Message include your name and what course} 301-322-0421 Department
Office: Marlboro 3117
E-Mail: All credit students in this class are required to use Owl Mail for all college communication. Include course number as subject and sign complete name.
Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday 11:00 - 11:30AM and 1:00 – 1:30PM
Tuesday, Thursday 3:00 - 3:30PM Course Description: This version of the intermediate level algebra course is taught in a module format. These modules provide mastery of rational expressions and equations; expressions and equations involving radicals and rational exponents; complex numbers, solving and graphing quadratic equations; exponential and logarithmic functions; functions and using a graphing calculator to solve equations. 4CEU's
Prerequisites: Successful completion (grade of P4) of DVM 0070 or DVM0080
Elementary high school algebra and Accuplacer score of 82 or above on the Elementary Algebra test AND a reading placement score DVR 0060 completed or concurrent.
COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon successful completion of the course a student will be able to use symbolic, numerical, and visual skills to find and verify solutions of algebra problems and algebra applications (of intermediate-level difficulty) in