Draft #3: Internet Addiction
Allanah Reilly
October 3, 2013
One giant network combined with smaller networks; that is what we call the internet. The internet hasn’t been around for a long time but billions of people are on it throughout the day. Why are so many people on the web? My answer to this would be because businesses all around the world use it for communicating and accessing information from their own company or others. People use the internet to access information, communicate through e-mails, read about the news worldwide, and gaming. The internet could be used for so many different things, and this is why so many people are on it so much. The internet could be a great thing, but also bad. People can abuse the way they use the network. Examples of abusing the network would be posting inappropriate pictures or bullying a person. In my eyes, the internet has turned into a social media network; if you want people to know where you are and what you ate for breakfast or even how you are feeling; you can post it all online so all of their friends can read it. Facebook or Twitter is a good example to search for people, Twitter people can literally follow famous people around but it’s the person running the account telling everyone where they went to eat for lunch; so people have a choice to use the program or not. In my perspective that is just scary, I wouldn’t want unknown people knowing where I am. While using the web, you need to be very careful what websites you browse and who you talk to because you never know who is on the other side of the computer. A good thing about the internet is you can find jobs more easily, shop online, read books, research any topic, and access your own bank account all online. I can see and understand why people can get addicted by using the internet.
The internet is really useful and this is why billions of people use it daily. I have noticed when someone likes doing something;