Class: OP321
Assignment: Week#11 Haier case study
Date: Nov7,2014
1. What was their competitive strategy& order winner?
Product innovation is Haier’s competitive advantage, which combined with supply chain innovation. Based on different customer’s lifestyle, Haier focus on product differentiation, which produced hundreds of unique products across Haier’s strategic model with low-end, value, and high-end brands. Such competitive advantage is created by supply chain innovation. Haier cooperate with suppliers into product design. It uses modularization to speed up the design process and to facilitate the manufacturing process. And instead of partnership with number of suppliers, Haier just works with two suppliers to concentrate on quality. The order winner for Haier is that corporate strategy is focus from R&D to after-sales service and support. Product differentiation is designed to satisfy customer with variety expectations. After –sales customer service provides maintenance and repair service for customer’s support.
2.What changes in GSCM strategy and macro design were taking place?
GSCM strategy is highly effective, macro design is make to order, no product is developed without taking account of what customers want, and no product is manufactured without a real customer order.
3.How were their GSCM execution processes planned to support this strategy?
In order to achieve product innovation as competitive advantage, execution process has support such strategy in all dimension, such as supplier management, production management, logistics management, service management and order management. In supplier management, Hair collaborate with suppliers to work with reduced number of suppliers to develop a cooling system that reduced refrigerator power consumption by 30 percent and time to market by 33 percent. Such example shows Hair supplier’s management effectively achieves production innovation by collaboration. In production management, Haier