This version: 16 January 2006
Andrea Goldstein OECD Development Centre 2, rue André Pascal 75775 Paris Cedex 16 France Tel. 33 1 4524 8946 Email Federico Bonaglia OECD Development Centre 2, rue André Pascal 75775 Paris Cedex 16 France Tel. 33 1 4524 9603 Email John Mathews Macquarie Graduate School of Management Sydney NSW 2109 Australia Tel. 612 9850 6082 Email Submitted for a focused issue of the Journal of International Business Studies entitled “International Expansion of Emerging Market Businesses”.
We thank Alice Amsden, Lucia Piscitello, and seminar participants at MIT and Centro D’Agliano for useful comments on earlier drafts. The usual caveats apply. In particular, the opinions expressed are the authors’ ones and do not reflect the views of the OECD, the OECD Development Centre and their members. Submitted for a focused issue of the Journal of International Business Studies entitled “International Expansion of Emerging Market Businesses”.
1. Introduction
The emergence of a “second wave” of developing-country multinational enterprises (MNEs) in a variety of industries is one of the characterizing features of globalization in the most recent years. These new
Outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) enables both small and large MNEs to
MNEs did not delay their internationalization until they were large, as did most of their predecessors, and often become global as a result of direct firm-to-firm contracting. Many grow large as they internationalize; conversely, they internationalize in order to grow large. This is a striking pattern which, if confirmed, indicates that enterprises from developing countries have pursued distinctive approaches
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