You should keep you pets indoors on Halloween. This means you shouldn’t let them roam the yard by themselves, even if there is a fence. The reason for this is that many times on Halloween pranksters have been known to steal, injure, torture, and sometimes kill pets, so it is advisable to keep your pets indoors. …show more content…
Candy is not made for dogs, cats, rabbits, or any other animal. Chocolate especially can make dogs ill and even kill cats. In general don’t feed candy to your pets. In addition to chocolate, candy that contains an artificial sweetener called xylitol can be fatal to pets. If pets eat candy, chocolate, raisins, or glow sticks you may need to call the pet poison helpline.
If you have a pet who has anxiety, you may want to keep them in a separate room away from all of the commotion of the trick-or-treaters. Pets can get scared when even the most familiar people wear costumes because it changes their appearance and