First, you need to know how to properly approach the suspect. One thing …show more content…
Drugs, a gun, or a knife). Always conduct a proper search of the person you are handcuffing. Cuff first, then search. Never search first, and then handcuff. The ages of subjects that have feloniously killed law enforcement officers ranges from 12 years old to 82 years old. You have to have the mindset that everyone, no matter the person's size, race, gender, or age, poses a possible threat(Rayburn). The reason behind searching the suspect is so that they can't use any hidden weapons or drugs, as well as smuggling them into jail or the police station. The way you conduct these searches is you always use the back of your hand to insure that they don't accuse you of sexually harassing them. First, start at the top and work your way down. Starting with the head ask them to open their mouth and look to see if they have anything hidden. Never reach in there mouth to insure that they don't bite your finger(s). Moving down to the upper body, search their entire arms, sleeves, and also their underarm (armpit). As you continue onto the mid-section check the front, sides and back. Also check any pockets and remove everything and collect it in evidence bags. Be sure to check around the waist line, it is very easy to miss things here, for guns, knives and drugs. Next move down to the legs, check from the waist down to the feet and inside there