Introduction In efforts to suppress wars, counter terrorism and illegal immigration, the declaration of martial law has been devised. Although its proclamation shows in favor of settling these major issues that the United States has faced over the years. However, under the assertion of martial law, it has played a major role in the vast amounts of unlawful arrest of citizens and non-citizens by the misuse of governmental powers. The affirmation of martial law impacts the increased numbers in the unlawful detainment of United States civilians.
This order which is relatively used as a means to facilitate the United States in times of difficulties and to safeguard the lives of civilians has conflicted with the traditional notion of policing under its regime. Many ordinances go into effect at the time of its implementation. For one of which is the suspension of habeas corpus. Which gives the police the authority to hold a person even if they do not have …show more content…
This study will examine the shift in its implementation in the United States from 1863-2015. And how its change has conspired against civilian life. People have failed to recognize how its declaration can affect civilization, leading to the increase in unlawful detainment of citizens and non-citizens. Yet even so has made considerable contributions to settle disputes. Its regime has reconstructed the use of authority in society in addition alleviate complications in time of distress. Its implication can be based off existing exploitations and can undergo a change at any time. If we continue to believe that martial law efforts only improve social functions, we’ll never fully understand the larger question of how it its declaration has impacted the rise in an unlawful arrest of citizens in the United states from