Hans J Morgen Thau (February 17, 1904 – July 19, 1980) was one of the renowned twentieth century realists in international relations. He made lots of contributions to international relations theory and the study of international law. His book Politics Among Nations was published in 1948.He wrote about international politics and United States foreign policy. He had some similarity with many renowned intellectuals of his time such as Reinhold Niebuhr, Hannah Arendt and George F. Kennan. Morgan Thau was a consultant in U.S. Department of State when Kennan headed policy planning staff in the cold war time and a second time during the Kennedy and Johnson administrations but then he was dismissed …show more content…
role in the Vietnam War.There are six principles of political realism explained by Hans J Morgan Thau in his book Politics among Nations.
1. Politics is governed by objective laws like society in general that have their roots in human nature.This means that its possible to differentiate between truth and opinion by developing a theory.
2. Interest is defined in terms of power. This sets politics apart from other things like economics. Political realism doesnot consider motives, preferences and ideologies of statesman. All foreign policies willnot follow the rational course due to personal weaknesses and irrationality. The policy which minimizes risks and maximizes benefits is a good foreign policy.
3. Interest defined in terms of power is universally valid but its meaning can change due to political and cultural context in which foreign policy is made.
4. Moral laws that govern the universe are different from the morals of any one …show more content…
Morgenthau’s Inspirations and Some Remarks on the Power Relations in East-Central Europe” refers to the concept of power of Hans J Morgenthau as a background for the analysis of power of contemporary Poland and Germany etc. It explains problems with the evaluation of power of Poland and also explain power relations in East Central Europe. By taking into account the idea of power which was given by Morgen thau’s political thought Jacek shows the flexibility of the concept of power. Relationship of Poland with Russia and Germany shows relative character of power as the neighbors remain powerful in any characteristic of power which was defined by Hans J Morgen thau. Morgenthaus concept of power helps in indentifying some regional problems that may cause destabilization in the political realtions in