
Are Political Parties Or Politics Touchy Subject?

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Politics can be a touchy subject for all of us. Some of us may like to debate and be open and willing to discuss our views, while others may be more private and reluctant to start a discussion that could lead to an argument. With politics, there is no right or wrong answer. We are all raised differently, in varying circumstances, and it is common to have opposing thoughts. Even if we “belong” to the same political party, our opinions may be slightly different. For example, we may feel more strongly about one subject, but less bothered by another. One of the biggest problems I see with our country and the politics surrounding it is that there is no middle ground. Many people feel very strongly one way or another and it makes it difficult to find a consensus that suits everyone equally. …show more content…

Talking about who you voted for or conversing about major issues could lead to arguments. However, I think that another big problem with our world is that we are not talking about the issues. At least not in a helpful way. We tend to be sensitive or outraged when someone challenges our views or values. Instead, we should be open to listening to other opinions and relaying ours in a constructive manner. I believe a lot of the issue with our society and politics is that a lot of our sights are misunderstood.
An example of this is gun control. This is a very sensitive topic for people on both sides, especially with the mass shootings that have happened recently. The argument is that conservatives believe that gun control puts restrictions on their 2nd Amendment whereas liberals believe that there should be stricter regulations and limitations on who can buy guns. I believe a lot of the problem on this topic is miscommunication and

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