After “Bleeding Kansas” Brown and others went to Pottawatomie Creek “armed with razor-sharp broadswords” and “split the skulls and hacked the body of five men” (397). Brown went down there in search of pro-slavery people and came home with blood on his hands along with the nickname Pottawatomie Brown. That was not the only occurrence of Brown acting in internecine warfare. Internecine warfare is basically brother against brother in a country. His role is in Harper’s Ferry is what he is most known for. It was his “ill-fated attempt to free Virginia’s slaves with a raid on the federal arsenal at Harper’s Ferry, Virginia, in 1859” (406). He thought that if he captured the enemy’s weapons that the slaves all across would rise up, but they did not. “The Virginia militia and a detachment of the United States Marines under the command of Colonel Robert E. Lee arrived and put a quick end to John Brown’s Raid” (406) at Harper’s Ferry. These two events led to his martyrdom because he was killed, or hung in this case, for acting upon his beliefs. However, a quandary is present. Brown was attacking a federal arsenal and was captured mostly by federally dispatched troops led by Lee, so why was his trial held at Virginia state court? It was not in the state’s jurisdiction, but actually in the federal courts. Either way John “Pottawatomie” Brown fought for his beliefs and the way he carried it out led to his
After “Bleeding Kansas” Brown and others went to Pottawatomie Creek “armed with razor-sharp broadswords” and “split the skulls and hacked the body of five men” (397). Brown went down there in search of pro-slavery people and came home with blood on his hands along with the nickname Pottawatomie Brown. That was not the only occurrence of Brown acting in internecine warfare. Internecine warfare is basically brother against brother in a country. His role is in Harper’s Ferry is what he is most known for. It was his “ill-fated attempt to free Virginia’s slaves with a raid on the federal arsenal at Harper’s Ferry, Virginia, in 1859” (406). He thought that if he captured the enemy’s weapons that the slaves all across would rise up, but they did not. “The Virginia militia and a detachment of the United States Marines under the command of Colonel Robert E. Lee arrived and put a quick end to John Brown’s Raid” (406) at Harper’s Ferry. These two events led to his martyrdom because he was killed, or hung in this case, for acting upon his beliefs. However, a quandary is present. Brown was attacking a federal arsenal and was captured mostly by federally dispatched troops led by Lee, so why was his trial held at Virginia state court? It was not in the state’s jurisdiction, but actually in the federal courts. Either way John “Pottawatomie” Brown fought for his beliefs and the way he carried it out led to his