Hard determinists hold that if every human action is caused then humans cannot have free will in regards to the choices that we make. Determinism and free will are incompatible theories. If humans have free will then they have the power to properly choose between two actions as an extension of their will; they must to be able to do or choose the reciprocal with equal ability. Hard determinism does not argue that we do not make choices; no hard determinist would refute this obvious fact. But they bring to question whether our reasoning behind the choices is free will, or causally …show more content…
Robert Blackford used the analogy of a shooter practicing his skills when a rabbit enters his crosshairs. All doubts as to whether the shot would hit is eliminated and the option is reduced to a simple question, to shoot or not. Blackford says that the shooter will choose based on two causal factors, heredity, and environment. The biological being that is the shooter, including all of his/her neurological chemical nature will have a factor. (Maybe more?). The environment of the shooter, his/her upbringing, values impressed upon that individual from humanity, and other possible needs such as hunger will contribute to whether the shooter will kill or not. The fate of the rabbit depends on the heredity and environment of the shooter. The shooter is more likely to kill if they are a hunter and are experienced at shooting game. But if the shooter is say an animal right activist, than they would not shoot because of the effects of their environment and values on their choices. The choice is still made, but the reasoning behind that choice has been causally determined. Another example of Hard Determinism is trying to tell someone with a strong case of Alektorophobia to hold a chicken and not be afraid. That person cannot make themselves simply overcome their phobia in that moment with simple mental power, or extension