One of your main problems is a financial issue. You're not living solely off of mommy and daddy anymore; you've got to pay for you own stuff now. You had to buy four books just for the first semester of school, which cost you over three hundred dollars. And that was with three of the four books being used books, so they were cheaper than they would've been if they were new. You've also got to buy your own groceries so you'll be able to have something to ear and drink, and that costs you about one hundred dollars a week. Then the monthly bills come in, like your cell phone bill, the bill for your car insurance, the bill for your gas card, nd any other bill that needs to be paid monthly. So, that's a lot of money for a student without a job to have to pay.
After spending most of your savings, you decide that maybe it would be best if you went out and got a job. So, next you begin the search for a job, whick is tough to do in a college town since most college students would need a job also. After applying at many banks, restaurants, and different stores in each mall in your town, you finally land a job at American Eagle at the largest mall in town. They set up your work schedule around your classes, so you've got to work from 12:30PM to 9:30PM on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. But