The birth name of Harriet Tubman was Araminta Ross. She was also nicknamed Misty and Moses. Harriet Tubman was married to two husbands, not at the same time however. Their names were John Tubman and Nelson Davis. Harriet Tubman worked as a underground railroad conductor for quite some time during that time she had made 19 trips to the south and freed around 300 slaves. When Harriet Tubman was a little girl around the age of 5 or
The birth name of Harriet Tubman was Araminta Ross. She was also nicknamed Misty and Moses. Harriet Tubman was married to two husbands, not at the same time however. Their names were John Tubman and Nelson Davis. Harriet Tubman worked as a underground railroad conductor for quite some time during that time she had made 19 trips to the south and freed around 300 slaves. When Harriet Tubman was a little girl around the age of 5 or