Harriet Tubman (Araminta Harriet Ross), also known as “Moses” of her time, was a phenomenal African-American abolitionist who broke seemingly impeccable odds and escaped the south from slavery, in the year of 1849. She would become well-known for her aggressive tactics in conducting many slaves to freedom during what is known today as, the American Civil War Era. Her ambitious attitude and robust air left many in awe as she led more than nineteen missions to rescue more than 300 slaves using the Underground Railroad (a system of antislavery protesters and safe houses).…
what exactly is a hero? Who can be classified as heroic? From my perspective a hero is not only someone who wears a cape, has superhuman strength, wears fancy clothes or someone who saves his lady from the bad guy; however he is someone who stands for strength, bravery, humbleness, justice and equality. I believe a hero is someone who truly intends to make the world a better place for all people. He stands for what he believes in even though he may encounter danger and obstacle. We often watch movies with action heroes fighting for a good cause, but these heroes cause us ignore the real life heroes such as Cesar Chavez and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Cesar Chavez and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr are genuinely the definition of a hero.…
What is a hero?A hero is someone who can save someone else’s life or teach them things that can change their life. Three people that inspire me or made me want to make a difference in the world are Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr. , and Rosa Parks. They are my heros because they done things that they believe in and that they thought were fair because they wanted to make sure everyone had rights to do whatever they want whenever they wanted to do it. I believe that everyone has a voice in the world and if u believe in something u should do it no matter what the risks are.…
In society today people see only superheroes like Superman, Batman and Spiderman as heroes, but a hero can be anyone brave, clever and courageous. For example, in the story Rebel Behind The Lines, Emma shows characteristics of being an hero. Emma Edmonds from the hometown of Saint John, Canada, was a really brave women who went out to become a soldier in the Union Army in total disguise as a man during the Civil War against the Confederates. “He pushed the enlightenment form over for her to sign. Taking the pen, Emma dipped it, remembering just just in time to scrawl Franklin Thompson” (Reit 7). The fact Emma was the first woman in the 1800s to enroll as a male in disguise in a civil war, is significantly a brave thing to do because she risked of her…
Slavery in the American South destroyed many families and peoples lives. Slaves families were split apart and were treated with cruelty.…
There are many definitions of the word ‘hero’ but Dictionary.com defines a hero as a man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities, a person who, in the opinion of others, has heroic qualities or has performed a heroic act and is regarded as a model or ideal, the principal male character in a story, play, film, etc. While growing up, I can remember many instances where we were asked to write about and describe who we felt our ‘hero’ was. The common and cliche answer amongst many people is “my mom.” Under the dictionary definition I don’t know that all of my classmates moms, including my own, are heroes.…
Harriet Tubman, born in 1820 in Dorchester County, Maryland, was a runaway slave from Maryland. Over the length of 10 years, she led hundreds of slaves to freedom along the Underground Railroad. She later became the leader of the Abolitionist movement and was a spy for the federal forces during the Civil War. In 1849, Harriet became worried that her master was going to sell her and other slaves on the plantation so after her husband, John Tubman, refused to run away with her, her and her two brothers followed the North Star in the sky to guide them to the north. Her brothers became frightened so they turned back but when she reached Philadelphia she found work as a servant and saved up all of her money so she could return and help other slaves…
Harriet Tubman, an American abolitionist, aka the Moses of her people was an escaped slave that worked in the Underground Railroad. She freed around 1000 slaves. On her off time she worked as a humanitarian. Harriet Tubman was born in Dorchester County in 1820. She deceased in Auburn, NY on March 10, 1913.…
Harriet Tubman freed African Americans from slavery but also did the traditional jobs that women had to do. She risked her life every time she conducted the underground railroad. Harriet went down as a hero when she accomplished all of these things.…
African American Civil Rights activist Harriet Tubman was an enslaved woman who craved for social change. Harriet Tubman was born to enslaved parents in Dorchester County, Maryland and was willing to risk her life to find social justice for African Americans. Tubman escaped from slavery in the South to become “a leading abolitionist before the American Civil War” (Whiteheld, 2014, p.1). When Tubman escaped slavery justice wasn’t served from her point of view. Her version of justice being served was to go after what you wanted and she wanted all of her people to be free and equal. From my point of view Harriet Tubman will always remain a hero. She was multiple things, a nurse who saved soldiers lives during the civil war, a Civil War spy who…
When people define the word hero it usually varies by age, gender, and generation when they answer, and even though people's connotations of the word may vary, the denotation and the connotation always seen to cross paths with each other. According to Merriam-Webster.com the definition of hero is "a person who is admired for great or a brave act or fine qualities: a person who is greatly admired: the chief male character in a story, play, movie, ect." A person's connotation and the denotation both have to do with someone being admired or a person who has performed a great act of selflessness. The word "brave" means "Ready to face or endure danger or pain", and that’s exactly what people associate with a hero. People imagine a person who will put their life on the line to save someone elses, and they are admired greatly for it.…
Harriet Ross Tubman (1820-1913) is best known for her involvement in the Underground Railroad. She was also an abolitionist, Civil War spy and nurse, suffragist, and humanitarian. After she escaped from slavery in 1849, she dedicated her life to fighting for freedom and equality. Harriet freed over 300 blacks from slavery in the South, to freedom in the North. For her heroic efforts, she received the biblical name “Moses.” This name came from the bible story in Exodus where Moses freed the Israelites from slavery in Egypt to freedom in Israel.…
Freedom Harriet Tubman was a brave woman, she managed to take eleven slaves to Canada, with no one noticing anything. She also did something that was surprising, she took the gun that she had with her to make a slave stay or to die, "We got to go free or die." She didn't allowed a slave to go back while they were traveling because someone might figured that he/she were returning from the running slaves and might have to answer questions. She traveled to differents places to stay like Thomas Garret's house in Wilmington, Delaware. She wanted to get to Canada to have a chance to feel what it would be like to be free. She painted pictures of what she thought Canada would be like, that shows she wanted to be free. In the couples of houses she stopped to get food and to get warm, I believe the persons that owned the houses agreed that they should be free, but they were too afraid to make a move. At the start of the story they were searching for Moses who they thought it was a man, which it was not it was Harriet Tubman, who wanted to run off slaves. The slaves at the story were patience. Harriet had promised them food, and shelter, when they got to the first stop in the farmhouse the man said they were a lot of slaves and that it was not safe, because the farmhouse had been searched a week ago before they arrived there, so they didn't had what she had promised them. The slaves didn't screamed at her or complained. When they arrived to Canada I think that even though…
"When I found I had crossed that line, I looked at my hands to see if I was the same person. There was such a glory over everything; the sun came like gold through the trees, and over the fields, and I felt like I was in Heaven.” (Harriet Tubman, approx. 1820’s-1913). Harriet Tubman quoted this after her first breath of freedom. She was born into slavery in the 1820’s, so it is chilling to hear her description of what that meant to her. I asked myself, “Would I risk that glory? That taste of heaven, to go back to the brutality of slavery just to save another? Probably not, I don’t know, but how much more would I be willing to save someone who was ridden with the mindset of a slave and unwilling to save themselves, or be saved? Harriet Tubman did go back, 19 separate times. She was known as the “conductor” of the Underground Railroad. It was called the Underground Railroad because it used the same terminology. For instance, one safe house to the next was called “a line” and a freed slave was called a “package”.…
Everyone has a different definition of a hero. Mine is a person who has impacted my life, or lives in general. They are selfless and genuine people who care about others more than themselves. A hero has no gender, size, or age. Anyone is capable of being a hero, but it’s very rare to find someone who possesses all of the qualities. People like a war veteran, a public figure, or an everyday person are all people who fit my definition of a hero. Irena Sendler, Tyler Joseph, and my mom are prime examples of what I think a hero is and should…