21 December, 2012
Harry Potter The Harry Potter novels have been known to captivate children and young adults with their intriguing fictional stories. These novels have encouraged many children to show an interest in reading. Even though the Harry Potter books have aided in the rise of kids interest in reading, “the Potter books topped the 1999 top-ten list of protested books complied annually by American Library Association’s Office for Intellectual Freedom with 472 complaints about the books focus on wizardry and magic” (Trelease 2-3). These complaints are motivated to censor children’s young minds from books that contain wizards or magic. Young children are not going to be compelled to read if they are only allowed to read uneventful books that are so censored and do not offend anyone with an over protective parent or strict religion. Such books would be nearly impossible to write, let alone create an interesting story. The United States first amendment states that we shall have the right to freedom of speech and press. Children and young adults should not be stripped of their rights by government authority when it comes to reading such fantasy novels like Harry Potter. Even with being a controversial topic, Harry Potter has helped many children become better readers and better able to handle more complex, multi-plot novels. Aside from the magical components, characters in the Harry Potter books are comparable to average kids in today’s society. The characters are figures that children and young adults could learn from and look up to as role models. Hermoine Granger, the main female roll in the Harry Potter series, demonstrates the importance in being a scholastically driven student that diligently listens to instructions, and follows the rules. These positive life lessons that would be great for young children to learn themselves. Ron Weasly is also one of the main characters that plays a supporting role as the best friend to the infamous