Email : Address for Communication:
Number : +91-9966229872 M.Surya, C/O G.Govardhana, Door no: 5/9, Brahman Street, Gudur, Spsr Nellore (Dist), Pin Code: 524101, Andhra Pradesh, India
Career Objective:
To work in a supportive and encouraging environment with opportunities with enrich my knowledge, experience & skills set in emerging & challenging technologies while contributing my best to the organization.
Academic Profile:
|Qualification |Institute |Board |Year of Passing |Percentge |
| | | | | |
|B-Tech (MECH) |DBS Institute Of Technology, |JNTU -Anantapur |2013(May) |66 %* |
| |kavali | | | |
| | | | | |
|Intermediate |Sri Srinivasa Junior college, vidya|Board of Intermediate Education |2009 |76.7% |
| |nagar |(A.P) | | |
| | | | | |
|Xth Class |Sri Netaji (MSR) Pilot High |Board of