Assignment 3-Harvard housing survey case study
Harvard Real Estate Services (HRES) conducted a survey, which related to students housing experience and desires in 2001. The ample of feedbacks that supported and improved Harvard’s housing decision-making. In front of HRES, there are newly 2005 housing survey related Harvard’s “ Allston initiative” on the desk. HRES wants to update, improve and expand upon the 2001 survey to generate useful information to influence future house design and marketing decisions.
2001 Survey feedback
The first impression of the 2001 survey is logically clear but relatively long. The survey collected information as a logical sequence: from experience to expectation, from a broad point of view to a specific point of view, and from house to personal. A strong feeling of the survey is that, it really wants to cover every specific situation, but it becomes too specify and relatively longer than a “20 minutes survey’s” expectation. Emotionally, as a participant of the survey, they will feel very “thoughtful” of the survey maker who shows the consideration of everyone.
When conduct of the survey there are some points that I think really stops me. First, for questions that has too specific answer or choice. To those, I have to stop and read all those choice very slowly and verify their difference carefully. Like the question ask to specify current privately–owned house, it takes time to verify “private market in a single-family house, ” “private market in a multi-family house,” and “exchange service for a room in a house.” Second, for questions that rates the satisfaction and expectation. It also takes time to distinct the different feeling for each of those specific units. While, to the point that drives me continue that will be the logical sequence the survey have and the skillful position of complex questions the survey did. Most of time, the logical consequence attracts me to know what the next question