7 September 2014 American Ideals Essay
He clenched his hand around the long quil, scratching down ideal after ideal, pondering what the United states would look like in 200 years. “Would they stick to my document?”
Jefferson thought out loud. The United States has evolved since Jefferson put his pen to paper but the ideals expressed in the Declaration of Independence have been thoroughly been lived up to throughout the years.
Throughout the years the United States has kept and evolved the the ideal of freedom. In
Placard N it shows the american youth in the 1960’s. They were showing their discontent in our government through radical clothing, food, music, and transportation. Now, many might say that this is evidence that the U.S. hasn’t been living up to the ideals because the 1960’s youth is not happy with the way the government was run. However, this statement would be incorrect. This
Placard shows that they were in fact living up to Jefferson’s ideals because they had the freedom and opportunity to take a stand against their government and show their discontent through peaceful ways. Another example very similar to placard N would be Placard H showing the roaring 20’s. The roaring 20’s was a huge cultural evolution featuring new (and more promiscuous) styles of literature, music, dance, and clothing. Much like the 60’s this is showing that the early ideals are being followed because people are having the freedom to evolve even
though these styles may not have been the status quo before.
The United States has very closely followed the ideal of democracy, therefore, creating opportunities for many. In Placard Q it shows Ronald Reagan in 1981. He wanted to make the government smaller by cutting taxes and encouraging people to take responsibility for themselves. In one of the quotes it says “a lonely president paces the darkened halls and ponders his struggle to preserve the union.” This is showing