Discuss whether this application was effective or not.
Several of the questions from the AHA questionnaire included the HBM conceptual framework. For example, perceived susceptibility and self-efficacy were evaluated with the statement “I am at low risk for heart attack or stroke for a person my age” and “There is nothing I can do to help prevent myself from getting heart disease” respectively.1 Perceived seriousness of the disease was assessed by two questions on the leading cause of death and on the outcomes of CVD and the perceived benefits were based on knowledge of the disease outcomes and preventive measures.1 Cues to action were estimated through the number of risk factors and symptoms of heart disease each person had, such as BMI, cholesterol, smoking, physical activity etc,.1
In order to assess the knowledge and awareness of the participants regarding the heart disease, HBM framework is the best approach. It assesses the participant’s understanding of heart disease and its complications, their attitude towards the seriousness of the disease, and their response on how to tackle the problem. It also evaluates the amount of work that needs to be done to improve their awareness towards this issue.
Summarize the key