Why is it important to complete a readiness assessment prior to starting an exercise program?
A clear assessment is very important to take before you start an exercise because benefits which tailor the program to your body needs. It is develop to help you deal with difficult and any potential stress. Direct service to improve quality valid purpose, by joining a gym or an exercise group. You can hire a personal trainer to come to your home to write out a detail exercise program design to meet your personal goal and needs. Once you have established a method you need to be sure you are able to exercise by consulting with your medical doctor. Although the first thing should be taken care of is a PAR-Q {Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire). This assessment will help to determine if you are really ready to exercise or will need other medical clearance first. When do this screening it can help you to know if there are other medical issues you are not aware of sign and symptoms. It when doing this questionnaire your answer is yes then you should talk with your medical doctor about the yes question on the questionnaire to get a medical referral or other health screening before continuum your exercise program. If once t=you completed the questionnaire and your answer were no to all the question you can start the program.
Why is it important to assess your beginning fitness level?
The most important reason is that for this assess is your health. We can would benefit by knowing their current fitness level and to know efficiently how to use the exercise program sessions less or to take off a day or so from exercising to avoid straining or injuring your body.
What were your results?
My result for the activity for my assessment pulse rate is 60.
How did your results compare to other individuals within your age range?
It appears to be the same as other my age group.
Were you happy with these results? Why or why not?
Yes because I am not in as bad shape as I