Use this sheet to help you:
• understand the main elements that comprise a research proposal
• prepare a well-structured and well-written research proposal
5 minute self test
1. How long should a research proposal be?
a. 1 – 3 pages
b. 3 – 7 pages
c. 7 – 15 pages
d. 15 – 20 pages
2. Which of the following is NOT needed in a research proposal?
a. a research question
b. a list of references
c. a detailed literature review
d. a research timetable
3. How can proposed research be justified?
a. a gap in the literature needs to be addressed
b. an unusual or improved methodology is to be used
c. the research may benefit policy and practice
d. all of the above
4. The research plan:
a. should commit you to a plan of action
b. should be a substantial part of the proposal
c. should show your project is well organised and achievable
d. is the same as the research timetable
Check your answers on Page 8
© The University of Melbourne 2010.
These materials were produced by the Teaching and Learning Unit, University of Melbourne. The University of Sydney has reproduced these materials under licence from the University of Melbourne.
The importance of the research proposal
A research proposal is a document of usually three to seven pages that informs others of a proposed piece of research. This proposed research is usually a Masters or Doctorate by thesis, but it can also be work for a corporate purpose. University students usually write research proposals for academics who may eventually supervise the work based on the proposal.
A research proposal can be rejected as unsuitable or poorly designed and on the basis of this, a piece of research can be rejected. The proposal is, therefore, an important document; one that is worth spending some time on to get right.
Another reason to get the proposal right is that this can save you time in the long run. If the proposal is
References: McLeay, F. J. and Zwart, A.C. (1993), Agricultural marketing and Farm marketing Strategies Australian Agribusiness Review Volume 1 No 1 Perry, C. (2003). Research Proposal Structure Keyed into the Thesis Structure, Accessed Sekaran, U. (1992). Research Methods for Business: A Skills Building Approach. New York: Wiley.