Remove a soiled gown carefully to avoid the transfer of microorganisms to others (e.g. pts or other health care workers).…
* We strive to anticipate and meet the needs of our patients, physicians and co-workers.…
* Preparation of food so that service users have choice of food and drink whilst…
Employees should arrive to work a little earlier than the patients to get the office completely prepared for the day.…
Employees roles and responsibilities in the care industry are all different but the one thing they all have a responsibility to do is they must always be aware of and report any individuals health changes and they also have a responsibility to keep all work areas and equipment clean, tidy and free from infection hazards. They are also encouraged to maintain good personal hygiene for themselves as well as their service users. For example when assisting a service user to have a bath, shower or to use the toilet you must always wear the PPE (personal protective equipment) provided when removing any soiled clothing you must dispose of it in the correct way using the sluice bags that are provided and the sluice bags should be tided shut thus preventing any infection among other service users clothes. Any PPE used should be disposed of in the room you have used and before leaving that room employees must ensure they wash their hands using the correct hand washing method displayed. Another responsibility employees have is to prepare and maintain environment before and after patient care making sure all PPE is worn if there are any bodily fluids in the room i.e. on the floor sink etc this spiliage should be cleaned up immediately using the appropriate disinfectant cleaning products to prevent any infection spreading such as MRSA, C Diff and the norovirus.…
Make sure the patient has two forms of identifiers, verify allergies, note any critical diagnoses, current medication, and height and weight. Another recommendation is up to date drug information. Use multiple drug references, guidelines, and high-alert meds. One last recommendation is communication, share information, write clear, and avoid abbreviations. Require all unused drugs to be returned to the pharmacy and having the computerized checking system double check doses every time.…
We have daily cleaning rotas to ensure the session is clean and we are stopping the spread of infection.…
The person you care for may be physically or mentally unable to maintain their own personal hygiene. Keeping clean is essential for good health. Poor hygiene can cause skin complaints, unpleasant smells and bacterial or parasitic infections.…
* Provide a high standard of care at all times, be open and honest, act integrity and uphold the reputation of your profession an example of this is if a patient complains about any service they shouldn’t be treated any differently than a patent that doesn’t complain. Also if a patient is ill at home the could call the surgery and could call at home to see them to face whatever problem they are having together and help them.…
Preserve patient dignity and minimize discomfort while carrying out duties such as bedpan changes, diapering, emptying drainage bags and bathing.…
* We have daily cleaning rotas to ensure the session is clean and we are stopping the spread of infection.…
In order to prevent medication errors, communication and asking questions are essential. Besides, sharing information with doctors and pharmacists, especially when getting a new prescription or…
To be able to minimise the spread of infection in the environment, all members of staff have to be trained in all aspects of infection control and the methods of waste management. National standards apply to all areas of infection control and the hospital environment by providing the staff with updated training, carrying out cleaning schedules using the correct methods and materials for each task. All staff members are responsible for reducing the risk of infection and contamination…
Have an effective plan to execute , have documentation showing the status of the unit and ways to make changes to improve the unit and creating an safe and productive environment for the patient and staff. Have documentation showing a layout of your plan. Improving the communication between staff workers.…
Whenever people are sick or have an emergency and have to go to the hospital, nurses are always there to comfort them. Nursing is a fast growing occupation here in the United States and makes up the vast majority of the healthcare industry. Nursing is a career that allows people to care for others. Aside from the greatness of helping others, it also comes with stressful situations that require plenty of responsibility because the medical field is always evolving. There is a high demand for nurses. Nurses play a huge role in the medical field, particularly nurse practitioners. Although doctors tend to get the most recognition for patient care, the reality is that nurses are the ones caring for the patients and making sure they are always comfortable.…