Healing of the Lame Man: Jesus went up to Jerusalem during the time of a feast "and a certain man was there, which had an infirmity thirty and eight years." Jesus asked the man will thou be made whole? The lame man replied that he had no one to put into the pool when the water was troubled. "Jesus saith unto him, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk. 9And immediately the man was made whole, and took up his bed, and walked." This sign miracle shows the deity of Christ because Jesus has power over time and the ability to heal all manner of sickness and…
“[Miracles] would not…answer any useful purpose.” said Thomas Paine, author of “Common Sense.” In Paine’s mind, miracles were out of the question because Christ would be degrading Himself and nature would have to change its natural order to accommodate Jesus. Perhaps, Paine could be considered a bit of a snob. Jesus walked the earth long before Paine’s time and had to use example from that time period to help people understand much like how Paine had to examples from the war in his paper to stir people to action. Christ used miracles in the culture He was in to help people trust him.…
Today in our society the culture of hospital mainly concentrates on treating symptoms and curing patient physically rather than treating patients as whole. A holistic approach is invented in healing hospital. This paradigm encompasses healing person as a whole by upholding harmony of mind, body and spirit. According to Erie Chapman the president and CEO of the trust, the main commitment of healing hospital is to deliver and fashion a radical loving care ("Journal of Sacred work," 2009). In this essay writer will discuss the apparatuses of healing hospital and its relation to spirituality; challenges in creating a healing environment and a biblical passage that support the concept of healing hospital.…
Narratives in North America, 1880-1910 and Griffith’s both present interesting insight into health practice, and the beliefs that surround it at the turn of the 20th century. While Opp’s essay is a look at Protestant faith healing, Griffith is looking at fasting and masculinity. For two seemingly different topics taking place in the same era, there are a surprising number of connections and parallels. Though looking at slightly different aspects of health and belief in the late Victorian era, the relationship between the two is evident in both of them. This is seen through the firsthand testimonies of believers in faith healing in Opp’s essay, and through the…
Here we have these scriptural bible texts. I will go through with you, about the miraculous way of Jesus's healing, and his stories he would share to make a point, message, or moral. Parables are a simple story used to illustrate moral or spiritual lesson, as told by Jesus in the gospel while meaning not stated it is often obvious. A miracle is an event which the forces of nature-including the natural powers of man-cannot of themselves produce, and which must therefore, be referred to a supernatural agency. Bible miracles, has two different miracles; healing and nature. This essay will talk about two stories, a healing miracle and a parable.…
The causes of positive thinking can be traced back to the “Age of Downsizing” and the spread of, at best, weak science. The “Age of Downsizing”, which began in the 1980’s and continued through the 90’s, began in an effort from large corporations to increase their bottom lines by decreasing the numbers in their workforces. One of the unfortunate effects of this systematic slicing and dicing of lives is a demoralized workforce. Thus, corporations faced a dilemma: how to keep up the morale of the remaining workers. The answer? Positive thinking. Since the ‘80’s and…
The healing went like this Messiah and his disciples went into the synagogue there they found a man with a deformed hand. Since it was the Sabbath Messiah’s enemies watched him closely, and they were trying to set Messiah up for healing on the Sabbath. Messiah said to the man with a deformed hand “ Come and stand infant of everyone”(Tyndale). The man got up and he stood there then Messiah said to his disciples “ I ask you which is lawful on the Sabbath; to do good or to do evil, to save a life or to destroy it”. He told the man to give him his hand as he did so his hand was healed(Zondervan).…
Eric Chapman, founding president and chief executive officer of the Baptist Healing Trust in Nashville, Tennessee, envisioned a healing hospital that wound not only tend to an individuals’ physical aspect of healing but to the spiritual component of the mind, body, soul connection (Chapman). This paper will describe the healing hospital paradigm and how spirituality influences it. In addition, the barriers to the implementation of the Healing Hospital Paradigm will be discussed as well as Biblical scriptures that support the concept of compassion, love, and faith as influential cornerstones to health.…
In the article titled “Positive Thinking Tips: 10 Ways To Overcome Negativity And Become More Optimistic,” author Carolyn Gregoire discusses how anyone can acquire positive thinking with some personal motivation. Carolyn lists ten techniques to help individuals obtain positive thinking by eliminating negative thinking and taking control of our own thought patterns.…
In this text by Keith Gilyard, “A Legacy of Healing: Words, African American, and Power,” is a text that shows how African Americans and the names that we were called and given in back then [and now] are just a prime example of every race. Also it shows that when someone speaks or says something intimidating, it may give that person power but most of the time it’s just the word that does that to someone. The word Nigger is still used today and is “one of the most potent words used today,” according to Gilyard and I believe it is. Rumors run big and are a huge role in power hungry people, for example there a rumors going around stating that there is an ingredient in fast-food chicken that sterilizes Black males. When people here this they will most likely believe it and a huge uprising will start about businesses that sell chicken. Another big one is that the Reebok sneakers were distributed in South Africa to teach and to help them learn how to survive. In a way this is believable and in his text Gilyard goes on to explain why he and his wife fell into this rumor and believed it was real. This society creates rumors that start statewide debates, in which shows that Words and Language can pertain a huge amount of power if used correctly.…
"A Healing Hospital is a hospital that employs healthy role models who teach health improvement, offers a healing environment and also leads community health improvement instead of just focusing on illness care and rescue care. A Healing Hospital focuses on healing and becomes an active member in fixing the healthcare system because they lower the need for costly, invasive care by improving health" (Harmony Healing House 2013). The healing hospital paradigm focuses on a holistic approach in caring for patients. Healing a patient and curing a patient may seem to be the same thing, however curing a patient focusing on fixing the problem or eradicating the illness or disease. Healing on the other hand is about helping the patient be at peace regardless of their disease. It is about promoting a balance with the person 's body, mind and spirit. This kind of environment helps reduce anxiety and stress that can positively affect a patient health.…
The author believes in the Blessed Trinity which means one God in three Godlike persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The author has a strong faith in prayer and believes that our father in heaven gives us all things that we ask for through prayer. As said in Matt 21:22: “And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.” (ASV). The author believes in the word of the lord, because it talks about healing which is physical, mental, and spiritual. Jesus cured people, and told them that their own faith had healed them. The Bible says that faith comes by hearing (Romans 10:17), and that would mean hearing the Word of God in the Bible (Catholic Bible 101, 2012).…
To understand the concepts of a Healing Hospital, we can examine the work of Erie Chapman, founding president and chief executive officer of the Baptist Healing Trust in Nashville, Tennessee. On October 1, 1998, Chapman took the reins of The Baptist Hospital System and unbeknownst to him, many financial and emotional challenges would be awaiting. He defines them as tornados, one being an actual tornado causing structural damage to the hospital earlier that year and the other being an inside (corporation) financial tornado. The latter would be more challenging for him, leading a company that is $83 million dollars worse off than what he was told (Chapman, 2007). His first step was to develop a mission and value statement for the hospital. According to Chapman, “A Healing Hospital is a place characterized by thousands of small and…
While most nurses would readily accept doing a spiritual assessment, many site inadequate educational preparation as a reason for not…
The Healing Hospital paradigm does not only bring love and care back to health care but radical loving care to the bedside. This concept, although seemingly progressive, borrows and puts into action theories of such great theorist as Jean Watson that believe in treating the mind, body, and soul (Watson, 2009). The average hospital mission statement is filled with promises of caring compassionate health care, but as with society today, they are mostly talk and no action. The Healing Hospital brings the talk into action bringing the radical care from the management down, believing that each person has a calling not a job that simply ends in provision. The spiritual aspect is brought back into health care for the patients as well as the staff, where each meeting is considered a sacred encounter. Although this sounds like a hospital made in heaven, it is a reality for such hospitals as Baptist Trust in Nashville, Tennessee and Mercy Gilbert Hospital in Gilbert, Arizona (Chapman, 2007).…