
Messiah's Role In Civil Disobedience

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Messiah's Role In Civil Disobedience
“Does the law permit good deeds on the Sabbath, or is it a day for doing evil? Is this day to save life or to destroy it”(Tyndale). Civil Disobedience is protesting in a civil manner with out violating the law (Suber). Yes, there is a purpose to Civil Disobedience, it is the aim of change in laws or government policy without violence (Brownlee). Messiah’s involvement in civil disobedience was due to personal influences. He chose to participate in civil disobedience to protest Healing on the Sabbath., and he did achieve success using this controversial method of standing up for what he strongly believes to be right. To understand Messiah’s role in civil disobedience, one must first have knowledge of his personal life. Messiah wasn't born …show more content…
He was found days later in a temple discussing affairs with some of Jerusalem's elders (Jesus). Messiah was born Circa 6 B.C. in Bethlehem. Mary whom is his mother was a virgin who was engaged to Joseph whom was a carpenter. Some speculate that Messiah was born through immaculate conception. Messiahs family can be traced all the way back to the house of David. It’s believed that Messiah was a carpenter during his early life (Biblegateway). It has been conjectured that Messiah was married. People believe Messiah was married to a woman named Mary Magdalen. It is said that Messiah would often times kiss her on the mouth. Some of Messiahs disciples asked him about Mary and he simply stated “ Great is the mystery of marriage for without it the world would not have existed (Jesus Christ). When Messiah was thirty he started his life in ministry. He had an epiphany after the baptism by John the Baptist. Messiah traveled many places to spread the word of God even when he was un-welcomed …show more content…
The healing went like this Messiah and his disciples went into the synagogue there they found a man with a deformed hand. Since it was the Sabbath Messiah’s enemies watched him closely, and they were trying to set Messiah up for healing on the Sabbath. Messiah said to the man with a deformed hand “ Come and stand infant of everyone”(Tyndale). The man got up and he stood there then Messiah said to his disciples “ I ask you which is lawful on the Sabbath; to do good or to do evil, to save a life or to destroy it”. He told the man to give him his hand as he did so his hand was healed(Zondervan). “Its easy for me to say it was okay but then again I wasn't born during that time period”(Doug). We will never know if it was the right thing to do because we wasn't born during that time period. Yes it was okay but thats because I know who Messiah is, but during that time they just thought he was a regular man doing non-regular

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