Health, Safety and Welfare in Construction and the Built Environment
L/600/0211 BTEC Nationals 10
Unit code: QCF Level 3: Credit value:
Guided learning hours: 60
Aim and purpose
This unit enables learners to understand the responsibilities of employers and employees and the control measures used to reduce risk and meet legal requirements. They will gain knowledge of how to undertake risk assessments and accident recording and reporting procedures.
Unit introduction
The construction industry is complex, dynamic and diverse. It is essential that high standards of health, safety and welfare are maintained during all stages of a construction project. This should be a major priority and dedicated resources must be made available to ensure consistently high standards of safety. This unit encourages learners to explore the health, safety and welfare procedures used to mitigate and control risks on site. The unit will provide learners with a knowledge and understanding of the legal framework relating to the responsibilities of employers, employees, site visitors and the general public. Learners will investigate common accidents and dangerous occurrences and how to report an accident. They will explore the importance of planning for health and safety and the consequences of technical, engineering and human failures for themselves and others. Learners will become familiar with enforcement routes for breaches of health and safety including prosecution costs and fines. Learners will explore risk assessment methods and the legislation used to identify and report workplace hazards, risks and control measures in construction. Hazards covered will include physical, environmental, psychosocial, chemical and biological. Control strategies and risk control hierarchies will be explored. Learners will produce risk assessments in a format that can be understood by everyone who needs to read or review the risk assessment, or comply with its contents. Learners will