
Health and Safety at Work in the State of Amhara, Ethiopia

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Health and Safety at Work in the State of Amhara, Ethiopia

Term paper for project management (CENG 6101)


Occupational injuries pose a major public health and development problem which could be prevented using appropriate occupational safety and health services. Of the total 3 billion workers in the world over 85% work and live without having access to occupational safety and health services. The number of occupational injuries is increasing in many developing countries. It is estimated that 250 million occupational injuries, 160 million work-related diseases and 2 million workers deaths occur in each year resulting a loss of roughly 4% of the world gross national product due to workers’ compensation, loss of workdays, and interruption of production, retraining, and medical expenses and so on. [5] There are various reasons for the poor occupational safety situation in developing countries, including use of out dated machinery, poor maintenance and little safety guarding of machinery, inadequate training of workers; poor design of equipment and workstations; and lack of personal protective equipment, which, even when available, may be difficult to wear because of working conditions. Most work place injuries are basically caused by unsafe work environments or human factors such as young age, sex, lack of experience, job dissatisfaction, sleep disorders, smoking habit, excess alcohol use, and lack of physical activity. [5]

Health & safety is to ensure that a working environment is maintained in which accidents and unhealthy & hazardous practices are kept to a minimum. It is a responsibility to employer, employees, self employed persons, designers, manufacturers, suppliers & persons generally in control of premises where work is performed. Prevention is better than cure. Accidents are caused by poor maintenance, inappropriate equipment, unsafe practices, negligence, carelessness, and ignorance of human weaknesses. Apart from the direct

References: 1. Abebe Dinku, Prof.(Dr-Ing) construction management & finance, AAU Faculty of Technology,2003 2. Ethiopian labor proclamation no.42/1993, Negarit Gazeta, 20 January 1993, vol 52, no27 3. Albert Lester; project management, planning & control, fifth edition 4. safety and health in construction, an ILO code of practice, 1992 5. Assessment of occupational injuries in Tendaho Agricultural Development S.C, by Osman Yiha, 2007 6. Other related reference materials (Internet, journals….) Health and Safety at work in ARRA by Adisu F. & Tewodros A. 0

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