Find out what your settings policy and procedure is on health and safety and where it is kept. Write down your understanding of this policy and procedure.
At Highfield children’s centre copies of the health and safety policies and procedures are kept in the main office, in the head teacher’s office and in the family support office. Highfield children’s centre has a family support team linked to the nursery.
The health and safety policy and procedure is set out to protect and safeguard children and staff both in the school and on school visits. The head teacher is the named officer in charge of the health and safety within the setting. The officer in charge will give other staff members certain tasks that they will be able to carry forward linked to the health and safety policy and procedure. These tasks and responsibilities are given to staff members and the officer in charge will keep up to date with the goings on of the setting through talking to the member of staff responsible for that certain task. The officer in charge will also inform the LEA (Local Education Authority) of the staff she has allocated for each task. ➢ Health and Safety policy and procedures are reviewed annually. ➢ All staff needs to have a copy of the Health and Safety policy statement. This includes Permanent and Temporary staff. ➢ Risk Assessments are carried out and reviewed on a regular basis. ➢ Health and Safety tours carried out frequently to accommodate significant changes to the building, equipment, work practices and personnel. ➢ Accidents must to be recorded in the accident book. ➢ Incident forms must be filled in when needed and filed in the correct folder. ➢ Accident book is kept in the main office with other policies and procedures. The accident book is for staff as well as children. ➢ Named first aider is stated in the policy and procedures.
Write down more suggestions on how you