1.1 A positive environment is a setting that supports the children and young people who attend it to achieve their full potential in a challenging and achievable fashion.
1.2 The two compulsory registers for children and young people are the Child Early years register and the general childcare register.
3.1 Skincare – children should wash there hands after using the toilet and before eating. Faces should be cleaned after eating. Each child's hair is different and information should be gained from the parent. Children from different ethnic backgrounds will have different routines with regard to haircare. Children and young people should be encouraged to brush their teeth after meals to …show more content…
promote good dental hygiene.
3.3 Different children need different amounts of play and rest depending on their home environments and culture. Gaining information from the parents on the routines at home will help each setting set up a plan for each child. Some children have less sleep at home for a variety of reasons, so more sleep during the day would be needed. Other children need less sleep during the day so will need to have quiet activities to keep them stimulated while not disturbing the other sleeping children.
3.4 Physical activity for children is essential to their learning and development. It helps them to practise their gross motor skills and learn about the world around them. Physical activities could include soft play areas, sensory play, climbing opportunities, ride on toys, sand and water, dressing up etc. Rest periods can include sleep but can also include quiet times where the child can recharge their batteries and be able to enjoy the next period of physical activity.
4.1 Children require a balanced diet from the 5 main food groups. The school food trust has been set up to ensure that all settings promote the education and health of children and young people.
4.2 When setting out to find out the dietary requirements of the children within your setting there are certain things that must be considered. These include medical conditions inc. diabetes or coeliac disease, religious or cultural beliefs, preferences such as vegetarianism and allergies. Good communication with parents and carers is essential on this subject.
4.3 Food safety is of the utmost importance when preparing food. Children should be able to eat and drink safely in your setting and food poisoning or related illnesses should be avoided. Bacterial growth should be inhibited by handling or storing food correctly. Correct procedure include:-
1. Being aware of use by and best before dates
2. Storage of food at the correct temperatures (both chilled and frozen)
3. Food being dated when opened
4. Storing meat and fish seperatly
5. Chilling and heating food correctly
6. Following food prep guidelines inc hand washing, tying hair back, removing jewellery, covering cuts etc
7. using clean cutlery, crockery and utensils
8. using age appropriate cutlery and crockery
9. supervision
Ensuring that food is not to hot
CU1512 – Contribute to children and young peoples health and safety
1.1The Health and safety policies and procedures in my setting cover the current legislation set out by the law. There are also procedures that are set out as guidance. These policies and procedures give clear guidelines for staff to follow in safety, cleanliness, maintenance, storage of cleaning chemicals etc, first aid.
1.2 All Health & Safety concerns should be reported to the centre management at my setting.
1.3 Risk assessment is a tool use by all public places, places of employment, care settings etc to ensure that injuries do not occur unnecessarily. In our setting risk assessments are managed by the centre management.
2.1 Children and young people learn through new and exciting environments and by making choices in these environments. However, children lack judgement and cant always make safe choices. Therefore carers and adults have the responsibility to identify hazards and ensure that environments are safe for children and young people to explore.
2.2 Hazards have to potential to cause harm. Risks are the outcomes associated with the
2.3 The potential hazards of any setting can include the following: Equipment that is broken or set up incorrectly, that outside hazards haven't been introduced to the area (litter, faeces, glass or needles), that all areas of the setting are set up with supplies and consumables, that cleaning cupboards and other out of bounds area are locked and out of reach, that procedures are in place in the setting to deal with a variety of instances (e.g. spillages, sickness, visitors etc). Other potential hazards could include the security of the building, and ensuring that all children are secure within the perimeter.
3.1 Non medical instances could include fire, missing child, bomb threats, flood or unauthorised person in the building.
3.2 a. In the event of a fire the procedures in place for the setting must be followed. These will include gathering together all the children and leaving the building by the normal route & congregating at the fire point, ensuring that someone has called the fire service. Members of staff should not attempt to put fires out or leave children unattended.
b. If a security incident occurs in your setting it is everyone’s responsibility to challenge unauthorised visitors and ask to see their ID. A manager should be called and the member of staff should stay with the unauthorised visitor until the manager arrives.
c. In an emergency incident everyone should evacuate the premises, all members of staff should be aware of the evacuation procedures for their building. Drills and practises should be held on a regular basis and should be taken seriously.
4.1 The signs or symptoms of a child being unwell can include the following; obvious physical sickness including vomitting, paleness or fainting or being told that they feel unwell. In young children their behaviour may lead you to believe that they are unwell, a lack of energy, crying or quietness could lead the suspicion of illness.
4.2 The circumstances when urgent medical attention should be sort are when a child becomes seriously ill or has an accident while in your care.
4.3 It is the role and responsibility of the carer to know what to do in an emergency, carry out the actions that are needed in a calm and confident manner and apply first aid to help preserve life.
5.1 In cases where a child has been seriously injured the HSE should be informed. Setting should also keep signed records of all incidents, inform Ofsted of all serious incidents on the premises and tell the local child protection officers.
6.1 Within my setting there are many procedures that prevent infection spreading. These include hand washing, using disposable gloves and aprons, regular cleaning of toys and equipment, immediate cleaning of bodily fluids with antibacterial products, the use of nappy bins and the employment of an outside company to dispose of this waste.
6.2 Personal protective clothing describes non latex gloves, plastic aprons and goggles.
7.1 Within my work setting children left with staff who require medicines would require their parents to give written permission to administer the medicine and in return written confirmation for the parents on what has been given. Every setting should have clear guidelines and procedures on the administration of medicines and written records should be kept.
7.2 Procedures in the work setting protect staff by eliminating any doubt on what should be done, when and by whom. Knowing the procedures of your setting helps you to know that you are doing the right thing and that you are not going to hurt a child.