Identify two reports on serious failures to protect individuals from abuse. Write an account that describes the unsafe practices in the reviews.
Winterbourne View Hospital
Winterbourne View in Bristol was featured on Panorama after an undercover reporter revealed the abuse that was taking place in the private hospital for vulnerable adults with learning disabilities and autism. Patients were physically and psychologically abused, threatened, slapped, tormented and bullied on a regular basis. Patients were not treated with dignity and respect or protected from harm. They had no quality of care and were not included in any decisions about the care they received. Patients suffered institutional abuse, had no choice of when to go to bed or to get up in the morning, they were humiliated and belittled, assaulted and unnecessary and illegally restrained. The members of staff lacked training, were not properly supervised, used incorrect manual handling techniques, failed to comply with regulations, recorded inaccurate documentation as to why, when and how restraint had been used, including injuries made through using illegal restraints. (Restraint should only ever be used to prevent patients from harming themselves or others, and should always be a last resort for the minimum amount of time). Staff neglected patients by failing to take steps to provide a safe and secure environment for them.
Parkfields residential Care Home, Butleigh.
Parkfields care home, a small family run residential care home for the elderly and infirm, in Butleigh, hit the headlines after the manager was found guilty of manslaughter on a number of her service users. The Manager failed to provide a safe and secure environment due to her drug dependency. The manager was found guilty of manslaughter after stealing prescription drugs intended for service users, for her own personal use. Toxicology test