
Health And Social Care Legislation Analysis

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Health And Social Care Legislation Analysis
here are many different legislations that relate to health and social care. Thesehave been created and adapted as time has gone on any most areas have been addedbecause of tradagies that have happened withindifferent health and social care settings.Each different legislation has a different purpose and therefore with each differentlegistaion,  have a different responsibility. The !ealth and "afety at #or$ %ct 1&'4. This ensures that anyone affected by a wor$activity must be $ept safe. t is my role as the manager to ensure that all staff are awareof their part in health and safety and to routiunely chec$ that all policies are in place andbeing upheld. The !ealth and "afety (irst %id) *egulsations 1&+1 ensures that everyone has accessto immediate …show more content…
The ental !ealth %ct 1&+- allows conspulsory action to be ta$en where necessary toensure that people with mental health disorders get care and treatment they need for their own health or for the safety or protection of others. t is my responsibility to ensurethat all staff are aware of the reason for the act. The Electricity at #or$ *egulations 1&+& ensures that the ris$s due to electricty at wor$are minimised. t is my responsibility to maintain, up$eep and ensure that regular safetychec$s are made. The ood "afety %ct 1&&0, ood !ygiene *egulations 00/ and anual !andlingperations *egulations (!*) 1&& are in place to minimise the ris$ due to foodhandling in the wor$ place and to minimise the ris$ due to moving and handling food. t ismy responsibility to ensure that good personal hygiene procedures are upheld at alltimes, to ensure that haards are indenified and controllled and to ensure staff aretrained in moving and handling protocols. The #or$place (!ealth, "afety and #elfare) *egulations 1&& are in place to minimisethe ris$ due to wor$ing conditions in the wor$ …show more content…
t is my responsibility to ensure the policyin the wor$place and ensue that accident forms and reports are in place. The isability iscrimination %ct 1&&5 (%) is in place to ensure that all access ande6its to the wor$place are safe for those with disabilities in the event of the need oevaucate the premises. t is my responsibility to update premises and ensure the policyis $nown to staff and visitors. The 2rovision and 7se of #or$ E3uipment *egulations 1&&+ (27#E*) ensure the ris$sdue to the use of e3uipment are minimised. t is my responsibility to train all staff in theuse of e3uipment and ensure that all e3uipment is maintained and its safe use. The ata 2rotection %ct 1&&+ and the anagement of !ealth and "afety at #or$*egulations 1&&& (!"#*) ensure that all personal e3uipment is $ept safe and privateand also ensures that ris$ assessments are carried out to minimise ris$s to safety. t ismy responsibility to chec$ and update the organisation8s confidentiality policy and tocomplete regular ris$ assessments. The 9ontrol of "ubstances !aardous to !ealth *egulations 00 (9"!!) are inplace to minimise the ris$ from the use of substances that may be haardous to health. tElla

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