"The importance of preserving the privacy and dignity of residents should be paramount. This means that they should have their own individual private space and the opportunity to choose how they dress, what they eat, when they go to bed and get up and how they spend their day. Dependence on staff for help with personal care should not mean that their dignity is compromised or that their privacy is not respected".(Avebury. L)
In the care home we practice Keeping safe and protecting our vulnerable adults from harm and abuse
The Safeguarding Adults policy applies to adults, over the age of 18, "Safeguarding relates to the need to protect certain people who may be in vulnerable circumstances. These are people who may be at risk of abuse or neglect, due to the actions (or lack of action) of another person. In these cases, it is critical that services work together to identify people at risk, and put in place interventions to help prevent abuse or neglect",(Safeguarding Policy May 2013).All adults should be able to live free from fear or harm and abused
There are different types of abuse, physical or sexual that can also involve taking money without permission, bullying or humiliating, not allowing contact with friends and family, withholding food or