Health and wellbeing has two definitions a positive and a negative. The positive definition of health and wellbeing is the achievement and maintenance of physical fitness and mental stability, the negative definition is the absence of physical illness, disease and mental distress. Mental health and wellbeing is different to physical health and wellbeing, mental health means good mental functioning and having no particular problems in thinking, feelings and behaviour, this is the opposite of mental illness which is generally used an individual experiences a significant change in their thinking, feelings or behaviour this change can affect how the individual functions or distresses themselves or others around them.
Health and wellbeing can be …show more content…
It became the leading model as research into physiology and medicine discovered the causes of disease and illness.
The nature;
The nature of the medical model is that it views the human body as a shell that is empty of emotion and feelings, the medical model also presents that all diseases are caused by a specific agent this is the basis of germ theory. When germ theory is applied it means that treatment is based on intervention of the germ by medical knowledge and skills. The nature of this model is a reductionist one, meaning that it focuses on the biological changes in parts and not as a whole.
The patient;
The medical model views the patient not as an individual but as a representative of the human race or as a machine thus meaning that the treatment or disease is the same for one individual it will be generally the same for all. When treating a patient the biomedical model projects mind body dualism theory, the theory of that the mind and body can be treated as separately and not as one.