|Functional Health Pattern Assessment |Toddler |Preschool-Aged |School-Aged |
|(FHP) |Erickson’s Developmental Stage: |Erickson’s Developmental Stage: |Erickson’s Developmental Stage: |
| |Developing Autonomy |Developing Initiative |Developing Industry |
|Pattern of Health Perception and Health | |Gross motor skills have developed and |Child recognizes healthy styles of living|
|Management: | |fine motor skills as well. Cognitive |such as healthy foods and importance of |
| |Toddler meeting all milestones, |skills are progressing. |exercise. |
|List two normal assessment findings that |progressing with potty training getting | | |
|would be characteristic for each age |proper nutrition. Toddler follows |Parent keeps safe environment for |Child keeps hydrated during play outside |
|group. |directions, gross motor skills |child. Supervises child at play. Sun |in hot weather. Has appropriate clothing |
| |developing. |safety and swim safety. Hydration, |in cold weather play. Sunscreen use in |
| | |sunscreen etc. |sun summer and winter. |
|List two potential problems that a nurse |Parents going forward in continuing |