| Parents do not in cooperate toddler in healthy routines like oral hygiene Parents do not help toddler recognize when hand washing is needed. | Parents do no encourage preschoolers to learn about healthy living. Preschooler is not encouraged to maintain basic hygiene | Child disregards dirty hands frequently with no comprehension on why they need to be clean Parents have no Hygienic control over child. |
Nutritional-Metabolic Pattern: List two normal assessment findings that would be characteristic for each age group. List two potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group. | Parents are decreasing the amount of milk to increase iron fortified foods Parents remain in control of what, where and how much food is offered. | Parents encourage a healthy diet with the appropriate amount of each food group. Parents limit the amount of sugar intake. | Child has a favorite snack and eats it at the same time every day. Child has a healthy amount of calorie intake of 1200 to 1800 a day |
| Parents area only giving milk decreasing the proper food intake Parents allow the toddler to have full control of food amount and type. | Parents have no control over child diet, no proper diet as been initiated Parents allow preschooler to eat candy at any hour and any amount. | Parents