Family Health Assessment
Nurses, in order to practice effectively, must assess consciously and unconsciously to determine the needs of the client (McCain, 1965, pg. 82). The functional abilities of the patient are selected based on the assessment. Marjorie Gordon proposed functional health patterns as a guide to provide a comprehensive nursing assessment of the patient (Gordon, 1994). Gordon’s health patterns are categorized into 11 possible approaches to collect data and assist the nurse to determine aspects of health and human function. Its intension is to assist with utilizing the nursing process. The functional health patterns categories capture the holistic, spiritual, emotional and social aspects of the whole person.
Health perception and health management pattern is relative to the patient’s perceived health status and practices used to reach his/her current level to well-begin. Nutritional-Metabolic pattern describes nutritional intake relative to metabolic needs. Elimination patterns focused on bowel, bladder or skin assessment and function. Activity and exercise pattern assessment centers on activity level and energy levels needs to perform activities of daily living. Cognitive-perceptual pattern focuses on the patient’s ability to follow and understand directions, ability to comprehend and use information. Sleep and rest pattern describes pattern of sleep, rest and relaxation. Self-perception, self-concept patterned assessment of body image and self-worth. Role-relationship pattern is focus on the patient’s role within the family and relationships. Sexual-reproductive assessment is focused on sexual relationships and reproductive history. Coping and stress tolerance assessment describes general coping patterns and effectiveness of the pattern in terms of stress tolerance. Lastly, value-belief pattern assessment includes religious beliefs and value system (Edelman, 2010).
The family assessment of the Filipino