When you smoke plant particles it also does the same thing. When you vape marijuana some people feel greater effects than smoking it. Also it doesn't give you the harmful toxins of smoke. Some people turn it into oil and will vape it or put it directly onto food. This way is safer than vaping Some people also let the flower tops and leaves simmer in butter then they will cook with the butter to let it transfer to the food. This way makes it last longer. Patience say that it makes it last several hours. Doctors say that it is good because patience can consume large or small portions. People argue that marijuana is less dangerous than legal drugs. Barack Obama stated in an article by David Rimnick in the New Yorker. He said”As has been well documented, I smoked pot as a kid, and I view it as a bad habit and a vice, not very different from the cigarettes that I smoked as a young person up through a big chunk of my adult life. I don't think it is more dangerous than alcohol." (Rimnick, 2014). Molly Fry said “I took an oath to do no harm. If a doctor is willing to give you a prescription for a drug that is addictive or could kill you, then why should you not be able to choose a non-toxic drug like marijuana?" (Fry, …show more content…
Francis L. Young said “A commonly used over-the-counter product like aspirin has a therapeutic ratio of around 1:20. Two aspirins are the recommended dose for adult patients. Twenty times this dose, forty aspirins, may cause a lethal reaction in some patients and will almost certainly cause gross injury to the digestive system... By contrast, marijuana's therapeutic ratio... is impossible to quantify because it is so high." (Young, 1988).
Marijuana can't kill you on an overdose. It has never been proven to cause a fatal death. This is because it's not like other drugs with chemicals and other things. The only way you could overdose is if you smoked 240 cannabis cigarettes. Which is highly unlikely that anyone could do it is practically impossible.
Stephen Sidney said “No acute lethal overdoses of cannabis are known, in contrast to several of its illegal (for example, cocaine) and legal (for example, alcohol, aspirin, acetaminophen) counterparts." (Sidney, 2003).
Joycelyn Elders said “Unlike many of the drugs we prescribe every day, marijuana has never been proven to cause a fatal overdose." (Elders,