Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 51-63 © 2005 Uppincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.
Health-Promoting Behaviors of Sheltered Homeless Women
Meg Wilson, PhD, RN
To expand the body of knowledge and provide further insight into the complex area of homelessness and health, health practices of sheltered homeless women were investigated using a crosssectional, descriptive, and non-experimental design using Pender 's Health Promotion Model as the theoretical framework. The sample (w = 137) was weU educated, mostly unemployed, primarily single, and homeless due to relationship problems/conflict per self-report. Homeless women were noted to practice health-promoting behaviors in all areas but scored the lowest on physical activity and nutrition. Significantfindingsreflected women 's personal strengths and resources in the areas of spiritual grovrth and interpersonal relations. Keywords: health disparities, health promotion,
hometessness, quantitative research, women 's health
acute and chronic physical disorders and mental health/emotional issues. '" '" Few studies address the positive health practices of this vulnerable population. The ptirpose of this study was to describe sociodemographic and personal characteristics, health practices, and health-promoting behaviors in a population of sheltered homeless women in a specific Midwest geographical region to increase awareness, understanding, and provide further insight into the complex area of homelessness and health. The theoretical framework for this study was based upon Pender 's revised Health Promotion Model." The Health Promotion Model (HPM) provides a framework to examine influences on participation in healthpromoting behaviors and provides direction From the Department of Nursing, School of Health for effective interventions. The HPM illusSciences, University of Saint Francis, Fort Wayne, trates that each person is a multidimensional Indiana. holistic individual who continually interacts The author
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