Health Care: Right or Privilege
Veronica Rosborough
SOC 120: Introduction to Ethics and Social Responsibility
Instructor Monica Jones
January 13, 2013
Health Care 2
Healthcare is a hot topic in our nation right now. With the Presidential election and the recent
Supreme court ruling upholding the health care reform act known as “Obamacare.” The ethical question raised by all in this debate is if healthcare is a right or privilege. Health is defended in the Constitution as being right of all people. So caring for our health also known as healthcare is indeed preserving this very right to health. The constitution also mandates that our rights are fundamental and cannot be taken away for any reason. Therefore, our right to care for our health and in turn healthcare cannot be denied because of our ability to pay, economic status, race, state of residence or religion. “Utilitarianism is the theory that people should choose that which maximizes the utility of all those who are affected by a given act.” (Mosser, 2010. p.1.7). Utilitarian ethicist would argue in favor of healthcare as a right, when it comes to overall access to care. This is deeply divisive among those who are for against it for one main reason, the cost.
Healthcare is not cheap and splits support among the lines of who should pay for it. Normal working families work hard to provide a comfortable life for their families, save for retirement and provide their children’s education. Having to live in fear of a family member developing a catastrophic illness which would completely wipe out all the years of savings and hard work in medical bills. Having insurance is no guarantee as insurance companies often haggle or flat out refuse to pay for treatments for certain illnesses. Even in the
References: Eleftheriadis, P. (2012). A Right to Health Care. Journal Of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 40(2), 268-285. doi:10.1111/j.1748-720X.2012.00663.x Haft. H. (2003). Is Health Care a Right or a Privilege? Physician Executive, 29(1), 26. Health care as a basic human right. (2012). American Nurse, 44(5), 3. Health Care: Right or Privilege? (1986). Nursing Economic$, 4(2), 66-68. Orlando Sentinel. (2009, Aug 26). Right, not privilege? Retrieved from Mosser, K. (2010). Introduction to Ethics and Social Responsibility. San Diego, Bridgepoint Education, Inc.