Darlene Tomlinson
December 12, 2014
Amanda Bracken
A recent development concern for this facility is the reason to locate safe clean housing for a number of individuals who are facing displacement because of recent the purchase of the facility by a national corporation. As administrator, one must adhere to state and federal regulations but must seek quality housing for these few individuals. The purchaser will implement new policies that will displace some of the residents. Some individuals do not have relatives in close proximity and do not possess the ability to communicate releasing of medical records; as administrator one must locate replacement for those individuals and the also devise a plan that adheres to HIPPA regulations while insuring the patient’s right to privacy. Moving forward to establish communication with relatives and apprise the family of the situation.
Contacting Relatives
Responsibility for developing an applicable plan for relocation of the individuals who face displacement will consist of locating relatives who reside some distance from the present location. The person responsible will send emails to contact relatives in order to establish communication and to devise a plan that accommodates the patient and family. Step two will consist of acquiring knowledge to see if these relatives possess power-of-attorney, if so the step will be to fax medical release forms for signatures. If there is not a power-of-attorney, one of the patient’s relatives must sign, complete a medical forms release, and locate a notary public stamp for the documents. Upon completion, one will ask that the documents be sent back to facility immediatly. Then finially possesses legal releases for the patient’s medical records to another quality facility.
Advantages of Social Media
Social media in this scenario plays a significant role. In days past, locating a new