Health Care Costs
By: Katrina Robinson
Health Services Organizations
Pica-Branco, Denise
Provide a discussion that demonstrates you have an understanding of the impact the cost of health care has on the economy. Be sure to discuss the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
Health Care spending is on a raised emotional and physical. Health care spending is concerning the United States economy is healthcare system. The majority countries the healthcare system in the United States is not public, meaning that the state does not provide free or despicable healthcare services. Gross domestic product is perceived to be one of the primary indicators used to determine the health of any country 's economy. It usually embodies the total dollar value of all goods and services that are produced over a particular period of time. Basically it is expressed as a comparison to the preceding quarter or year. It is calculated either by adding up what all the citizens in a country have earned in that particular year (income approach ) or by adding up what was spent by everyone (expenditure method). The health conditions of societies are only reflected in the increase in costs of health system through GDP. A more expensive health care system will increase the value of GDP. High income also does not reflect the health condition of an individual. A more advanced technique in health care system which causes life-expectancy, inefficiency, lifestyles and prevention is not reflected in GDP. The cost and benefits from health is hard to identify in GDP. GDP only measures the size of the pie but not how the pie is divided up. When a country’s GDP increases, this means that the country has more goods and products, however those goods may be unequally distributed as GDP do not provide the compositions of products consumed by a typical person. Healthcare is a very important component of national development and that the creation of a healthy and productive workforce is
References: Clark, J. (2010). Preventive medicine: A ready solution for a health care system in crisis. Fee for service plans. (2012). Retrieved from insurance/fee-for-service-plans.html Health insurance 101. (2012). Retrieved from Product/HealthInsurace101/index.aspx Cleary, Brenda, and Peggy Wilmoth. "The Affordable Care Act -- what it means for the future of nursing." Tar Heel Nurse 73.2 (2011): 8 Hayes, Katherine. "OVERVIEW OF POLICY, PROCEDURE, AND LEGISLATIVE HISTORY THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT." NAELA Journal 7.1 (2011): 1-9