*** Please discuss the effect of the characteristics of the US health care system on (1) access to health care, (2) health seeking behaviors of the population, and (3) provider behaviors. Please be sure to answer the questions from the perspectives of at least TWO of the characteristics identified in the module home page. *** Some Americans say that we have the finest health care system in the world, while others think it’s astonishing that as a world leading country, we don’t have universal health care. Whichever side of the fence a person is on in regards to our country’s …show more content…
I have had doctors that were fantastic, told me everything I needed to know, and spend an adequate time doing it. I’ve had others that were frank, to the point, and not helpful at all. Typically, when a health care provider has a positive attitude and is knowledgeable, I feel better when I leave their office, and am motivated to take care of my own health. Considering that I am a very healthy person, I can only assume that this provider behavior has the same effect on others. The only negative account that I have witnessed where having insurance made a difference in provider behavior was in a certain large South Western city. I was doing my Paramedic internship, and a particular doctor referred to several uninsured families in the waiting room as the “Medicaid parade”. This was an obvious insult to the families being from a lower income bracket. Had those patients overheard him say this, they, like anyone else would know that this is unacceptable behavior of any health care …show more content…
There are always factors that can be adjusted in any system, from people feeling they can only have access if they have insurance, to the sometimes overly high expectations of their outcomes from doctor visits. With a few things tweaked, and some health care reform we might be able to provide for more people, and give better service to all patients as a whole. Everyone in our country should feel that they have easy access to care when they need it. People will feel more confident in seeking out the care they need if they don’t feel scrutinized over their insurance plan, or their socio-economic background. Lastly, if we can ensure that our doctors and other health providers give patients the care and attention they need, more people will be willing to do what they can to provide for