Whether you are a Migrant and Seasonal Farmer who does not have proper documentation or you are a homeless person who may not have the services to get adequate care, not having the resources or the funds to properly aid individuals can be a dilemma faced with programs such as FLPPS, The Finger Lakes Performing Provider System. The finances needed to support an interconnected system between individuals and healthcare providers is not there. The Medicaid budget is unable to support the projected cost of spending. In the state of New York, Governor Andrew Cuomo implemented the Medicaid Redesign Team (MRT) to improve the Medicaid system in order to help groups who are affected by health (The New York State DSRIP Program). Though steps are being taken financially, the socio-ecological model must be taken into consideration. The individual with interpersonal connections must work with organizations and the community as a whole to influence public policy. The policies would then allow for equity befitted for the individuals who are overlooked and are not being cared for properly. The organizations and the community as a whole standing behind individuals would shed a light on health disparities affecting specific groups and separate issues. The entire model must work together in order to progress programs that will achieve health equity and a better ties
Whether you are a Migrant and Seasonal Farmer who does not have proper documentation or you are a homeless person who may not have the services to get adequate care, not having the resources or the funds to properly aid individuals can be a dilemma faced with programs such as FLPPS, The Finger Lakes Performing Provider System. The finances needed to support an interconnected system between individuals and healthcare providers is not there. The Medicaid budget is unable to support the projected cost of spending. In the state of New York, Governor Andrew Cuomo implemented the Medicaid Redesign Team (MRT) to improve the Medicaid system in order to help groups who are affected by health (The New York State DSRIP Program). Though steps are being taken financially, the socio-ecological model must be taken into consideration. The individual with interpersonal connections must work with organizations and the community as a whole to influence public policy. The policies would then allow for equity befitted for the individuals who are overlooked and are not being cared for properly. The organizations and the community as a whole standing behind individuals would shed a light on health disparities affecting specific groups and separate issues. The entire model must work together in order to progress programs that will achieve health equity and a better ties