Louis Pasteur, born in Dole, a small town in eastern France had an interest in scientific subjects. In 1847, he received his doctoral degree. Pasteur believed that if germs were the cause of fermentation they could also be the cause of contagious diseases. He began to develop the Germ Theory of Disease, and eventually, developed vaccinations. In 1881, Pasteur successfully developed and introduced to the public his anthrax vaccine. In 1855, He launched one of his most famous developments – a vaccine against rabies. Soon after the vaccines were tested and were successful, the Pasteur Institute was built in Paris to treat victims with rabies and other diseases.
Vaccines in the United States, Edward Jenner created the world’s first vaccine for smallpox. Edward Jenner, worked in a rural society most of his patients were farmers or worked on farms. In 1796 he created the world’s first vaccine for smallpox. In the 18th century smallpox as one of the most deadliest and persistent human diseases. The main treatment developed by Jan Ingenhaus, involved scratching the vein of a healthy person and pressing a small amount of matter, taken from a smallpox pustule of a person with a mild attack in the wound. The risk of treatment had fatal results. In 1788 a wave of smallpox swept through and during this outbreak Jenner discovered his patients who worked with cattle had much milder diseased called cowpox and never developed smallpox. In 1976 Jenner conducted an experiment on one of his patients, James Phipps, and eight year old boy. After making two cuts in James arm, Jenner worked