Two plans show the construction of a health centre in both conditions: how it looked like in 2005 and how it is nowadays.
In 2005 the health centre had three consulting rooms, a physiotherapy room and an office. Out of the door there were a car parking consisted of 12 places and a big garden behind the building. The entrance was located in the middle of the face wall of the centre.
Then they built one extra chamber for minor operations and made two rooms for consulting in another one. By changing the location of the entrance they could give more place for the hall. The amount of seats hasn’t increased but they engaged the children’s play area near the exit. Another good replacement for clients was made by reducing the square of the garden. So, they added 18 new places for cars.
Changes which we can see on these two plans of the health centre demonstrate …show more content…
In our modern world the amount of people who work at home fairly rise. How could this condition influence on the quality of their work? I think the main benefit of this way is not spending time on transport. And the main difficulty, in my opinion, is in free schedule which you get when staying at home, because you can spend time ineffectively.
Firstly, if the Internet allows us to make our work’s duties at home, we will use it. I strongly believe in it because I always count the time which I spend going to my office. I would do something useful for my work in these hours, if I had my workplace at home! So, I fairly agree with managers who permit their stuff distance work.
On the other hand, bad-organised people who haven’t any motivation may use this approach for doing nothing. For example, when I had a big task of homework I decided to do it at a library because when I had begun to do it in my hostel I found out that I was sleeping, eating and surfing on the Internet a lot. That’s why I understand now that if I want a good result I should work in less convenient condition than I have at