Also, the issue of health inequalities has deprived a lot people from basic health care and human right. Most time whenever I think of human right and health care, the question that comes to mind is, is health care is a human right? Yes, everybody supposed to have equal access or opportunities to health irrespective any factor hindering them. For Williams, who is going through COPD exacerbation, retired have responsibilities to care of his wife but not working to support his wife. Socio-economic factor will be his biggest problem to cope with his illness. I would recommend Williams to speak with the social working and advocate for him. One of the goals of Healthy People 2020 , is everyone should have equal rights and states are obligated to prohibit polices that have either the intension or the effect of discriminating against particular social groups (PubMed Central,
Also, the issue of health inequalities has deprived a lot people from basic health care and human right. Most time whenever I think of human right and health care, the question that comes to mind is, is health care is a human right? Yes, everybody supposed to have equal access or opportunities to health irrespective any factor hindering them. For Williams, who is going through COPD exacerbation, retired have responsibilities to care of his wife but not working to support his wife. Socio-economic factor will be his biggest problem to cope with his illness. I would recommend Williams to speak with the social working and advocate for him. One of the goals of Healthy People 2020 , is everyone should have equal rights and states are obligated to prohibit polices that have either the intension or the effect of discriminating against particular social groups (PubMed Central,